• 2022-06-07
    适当形式填空The ______ (much) you eat, the ______ (fat) you'll be.
  • more; More; MORE#fatter; Fatter; FATTER


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      If you want to avoid _____fat,then don't eat so much! (1.0) A: become B: to get C: got D: getting

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      —You shouldn’ t eat too much junk food. It’ s bad for your health.—You’re right.junk food I eat,I will be. A: The less ; the healthier B: The less ; the healthy C: The more ; the healthier D: The more ; the healthy

    • 2

      If you ________ the bottle and cigarettes, you’ll be much healthier.

    • 3

      The less you eat,( ) you will be. A: happier B: the more happy C: the most happy D: the happier

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      A 15-year-old girl with anorexia refuses to eat in a mental health unit. Which of the following statements is the best response from the nurse() A: "Why do you think you’re fat You’re underweight. Here--look in the mirror. " B: "You really look terrible at this weight. I hope you’ll eat. " C: "You don’t have to eat. It’s your choice. " D: "I hope you’ll eat your food by mouth. Tube feedings and IV lines can be uncomfortable. \