• 2022-06-07
    The following choices list 5 pairs of medical conditions. In which answer might the first condition be improved by fever or localized elevated temperature (enhancing the inflammatory response), and the second condition be improved by cooling (blocking the inflammatory response)?
    A: autoimmune diseases; inflammation resulting from injury
    B: bacterial infection; autoimmune diseases
    C: viral infection; fungal infection
    D: inflammation resulting from injury; viral infection
    E: immune deficiency; bacterial infection
  • B


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      Mastitis is a condition which involves A: A type of leukemia B: Infection of the breast C: Infection of lymph nodes D: Mast cells E: Tumors of glandular tissue

    • 1

      Oral furantoin can be used for the treatment of ( ). A: Intestinal infection B: Urinary tract infection, quickly eliminated from the body C: Urinary tract infection, slow elimination from the body D: Respiratory infection

    • 2

      After the epidemic infection of infectious diseases, specific immunity is obtained, which increases the immune population and reduces the susceptibility of the population.

    • 3

      How could the outcome be if we had a viral infection treated with antibiotics?

    • 4

      Which statement about apparent infection is not right? A: Significant signs and symptoms are found clinically; B: The pathogens would be eliminated completely after recovery from infection; C: Pathogens could be transmitted to other persons; D: The bacterial virulence is higher, the host immunity is weaker;