• 2022-06-07
    中国大学MOOC: In Chinese philosophy, “阴”refers to the __________ principle while “阳” refers to the _________ principle.
  • female, male


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      Ren, or Humaneness, as an important principle of Confucianism, refers to _____________________. A: a supreme ethical ideal that is connected with the universal Way B: love and concern for others C: a principle of virtuous social governance D: all of the above

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      Hou Yi built himself a palace in the sun as Yang the sun and the male principle while Chang-E as Yin the moon and the female principle.

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      In the understanding of communicative language teaching, three principles have been generally agreed upon, namely, ______ principle, ______ principle, and ______ principle.

    • 3

      The Politeness Principle is a substitute for the Cooperative Principle. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      中国大学MOOC: Cultural awareness refers to the understanding of Chinese and foreign cultures and the recognition of excellent cultures.