• 2022-06-07
    something borrowed:
  • good luck


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      Which words were borrowed from the real world to name something related to the computer? A: Window. B: Cookie. C: Laptop. D: Mouse.

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      中国大学MOOC: 在西式婚礼上,新娘必定会准备4样东西出嫁,它们被亲切地叫做something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue, 一样旧的,一样新的;一样借的,一样蓝色的。请问以下这些选项中哪项不属于这四样东西?

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      In this passage, the word" fare" means ______. A: the money Mark Twain's friend lost B: the money needed to buy a ticket C: something with which one can enter the train without a ticket D: the money which Mark Twain borrowed from the friend

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      In all the borrowed words, "酒吧" is a __________, with part of its from is native in Chinese, while the rest if borrowed from English culture.

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      Words whose meanings are borrowed( )