• 2021-04-14
    when it comes to your professional image, a sloppily
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      When it comes to diction, if your subject is personal, ________ will be most appropriate.

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      所以,知道了吧,爱好的唯一限制就是你的想象力。 A: The only limit it comes to your own imagination. B: You know, when it comes to imagination is your own hobbies. C: So you see, the only limit when it comes to hobbies is your own imagination.

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      According to the author, love comes your way when you don’t really expect it.

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      When push comes to shove, you are on your ( ). A: own B: oneself C: one D: way

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      When a thought ______, it comes into your mind suddenly. A: stoke B: strikes C: striking D: struck