• 2021-04-14
    In the revolt against Zeus, the deities bound the sleeping Zeus to a couch with ropes made of leather except ( )
  • Hestia


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      Zeus once transformed himself into a cuckoo and made Hera take pity up him.

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      Which of the following mythological story is closely related to the Trojan War? ( ) A: Zeus and Io B: Zeus and Europa C: Zeus and Leda D: Zeus and Prometheus

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      What happened after Metis was swallowed by Zeus? A: Athena was born out of Zeus’ head B: Zeus got a serious stomachache C: Zeus got a revenge(复仇)from Metis D: Hera succeeded in marrying Zeus

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      What was Zeus' punishment for humans for getting fire? A: Zeus withdrew fire from humans. B: Zeus started the Troy War. C: Pandora was created. D: Zeus killed Prometheus.

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      What was not Hera's reaction towards Zeus’ betrayal in marriage? A: She punished Zeus’ lovers blindly in the name of justice. B: She punished Zeus’ children ruthlessly in the name of justice. C: She pleaded for reunion with Zeus. D: She made vengeful yet unstoppable schemes throughout her life.