• 2022-06-07
    A steam treatment is good for ________.
    A: clearing a blocked nose
    B: making a cough feel better
    C: helping a dizzy head
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the following translations is better for translating 开门红?( ) A: tender fish head with chili B: steamed tender fish head with chopped pepper C: business with a good start D: kaimenhong,steamed tender fish head with chopped pepper, it means a good start in business

    • 1

      Attending school-based after-school programs results in all of the following BUT A: improving children's academics performance. B: helping parents get better jobs. C: making children be more obedient. D: making children be more independent.

    • 2

      Use the _________ to take my temperature for me. (alcohol, symptom, cleanse, remedy, pharmacy, dizzy, cough, thermometer, vitamins, painkillers)

    • 3

      A.headB.feetC.tailD.nose A: head B: feet C: tail D: nose

    • 4

      The doctor helped me __________ my wound with alcohol. (alcohol, symptom, cleanse, remedy, pharmacy, dizzy, cough, thermometer, vitamins, painkillers)