• 2022-06-07
    I think this exhibition is ______ of the two. I have never seen ______ exhibition.
    A: by far better; the better
    B: far better; a better
    C: by far the better; a better
    D: far the better; a better
  • C


    • 0

      I have never heard _____ voice. A: a better B: a best C: the better D: the best

    • 1

      I thought it ______ a cooking stove. A: better taking B: better I took C: better my taking D: better to take

    • 2

      Their project was completed ahead of time as their equipment is _____ better than ours. A: Far B: More C: far more D: the most

    • 3

      —What do you think of the girls dancing —I've never seen a person with()sense of art. A: the better B: a better C: a good D: the best

    • 4

      John’s and Tom’s projects are feasible, but I think John’s is of the two. A: the better B: the best C: better D: good