• 2022-06-07
    The old lady asked_________.
  • where the post office was


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      The old lady is very ____________ (kindness) to the boy.

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      The old lady was a very (religion)_______ woman.

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      When he was asked to give his seat to an old lady on the bus,he was_____ to do so because he was also very tired. A: happy B: reluctant C: willing D: refused

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      If an old lady falls over by herself, what should a station officer do? A: A station officer should stay away and call the police. B: A station officer should come up and ask whether the old lady gets hurt or not. C: A station officer should call 112 for doctor’s help when he or she confirms that the old lady gets hurt. D: A station officer should help the old lady get up when he or she confirms that the old lady is alright.

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      Which newspapers’ nickname is “the Old Gray Lady”?