• 2022-06-07
    Malaria is transmitted by ()
    A: Anopheles stephensi
    B: Anopheles Dirus
    C: Culex
    D: Phlebotamus
  • A,B


    • 0

      It is suspected that the covid-19 is _____by bats. A: transplanted B: transformed C: transported D: transmitted

    • 1

      Thestudyofhowspeechsoundsareproduced,transmitted,andperceivediscalled A: phonetics B: phonology C: syntax D: pragmatics

    • 2

      Which statement about carrier is right? A: A person with asymptomatic infection that can be transmitted to other persons.<;br>; B: A person with symptomatic infection that can be transmitted to other persons.<;br style="white-space: normal;">;<;br>; C: A person with symptomatic infection that can`t be transmitted to other persons.<;br>; D: A person with asymptomatic infection that can`t be transmitted to other persons.<;br style="white-space: normal;">;<;br>;

    • 3

      Flea is the vector of ( ) A: malaria B: plague C: Dengue fever D: epidemic typhus E: leishmaniasis

    • 4

      Mosquitoes can transmit A: filariasis B: dengue fever C: malaria D: encephalitis B E: leishmaniasis