• 2022-06-07
    Protect the environment is to protect our mother.
  • Wrong


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      We must fight pollution and protect our environment ______ . A: sure enough B: draw up C: at all cost D: catch up with

    • 1

      In this paper, which one is not mentioned as an alternative way to protect the environment effectively.

    • 2

      中国大学MOOC: The organization will start a (move) ______ to protect the environment next month.

    • 3

      If nothing is done to protect the environment, millions of spiders that are alive today will have become ________.

    • 4

      The author's main purpose in writing this passage is most probably to ______. A: complain about people's slow actions to protect the environment B: advise people to take actions to protect the environment C: show himself to be an active environment protector D: point out the bad effects of technologies in protecting environment