• 2022-06-07
    Which statement is true about Cuba’s healthcare system? ( )
    A: There are no correct options
    B: The private sector is very actively involved in health services delivery
    C: Some healthcare services are provided by the public sector
    D: The public sector finances and delivers almost all healthcare services
  • D


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      The author mentions grocery stores as an example of ______. A: public transit B: barriers C: private sector employment D: public accommodations

    • 1

      ADB is a business which is owned by its workers. The workers share the profits and they each have a vote on how the business is run.Which of the following best describes ADB? A: Public sector B: Private sector C: Not-for-profit D: Co-operative

    • 2

      The National Health Service (NHS), which was established in 1948, provides (almost) free healthcare to those who cannot afford it.

    • 3

      In the service sectory of the UK, _____ contribute most to the growth of the economy. A: the creative industries B: the education sector C: thefinancial services industry D: thetransport, storage and communication industry

    • 4

      Which of the following is INCORRECT about Greece’s adjustment A: Public sector wages will be reduced. B: Pensions will be reduced. C: VAT will keep unchanged. D: Low paid and low pensions will keep unchanged.