• 2022-06-07
    In "What immortal hand or eye could framethy fearful symmetry?" thy means_____.
  • your


    • 0

      Could you______these books______, please? A: hand in B: hand out C: hand back D: hand at

    • 1

      In Korea, eye contact means ______ to the speaker.

    • 2

      The old mother felt worried about the young couple who always couldn't see______on problems. A: face to face B: hand in hand C: eye to eye D: heart to heart

    • 3

      As is known to all, ignorance and poverty almost always go _________; therefore, we should lay great emphasis on education. A: should to should B: face to face C: eye to eye D: hand in hand

    • 4

      The old mother felt worried about the young couple who always<br/>couldn't see____on problems. A: face to face B: hand in hand C: eye to eye D: heart to heart