• 2022-06-07
    My hometown is a hundred miles _________ away from here.
  • or so


    • 0

      3. The local people live miles and miles away from each other.

    • 1

      lí zhèr hěn yuǎn离 这儿 很 远 means A: far away from here B: far away from there C: from here to there D: here and there

    • 2

      The town is two miles far away from our school.

    • 3

      (Not) too many years ago, it was an (excited) experience (to travel) 25 or 50 miles (away from) home. A: Not B: excited C: to travel D: away from

    • 4

      All of my challenges have ( 1 ) being out of my comfort zone in one way or another. But the biggest challenge is ( 2 ) all my friends go home for the winter break on social media while I am thousands of miles away from my family on Christmas.