• 2022-06-08
    The following words and sentences have the same rhythmic pattern.A. economicB. I’ve a pocket.
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    • 0

      The following words have the same pronunciation. 1) host 2) ghost

    • 1

      Which of the following sentences has a different rhythmic pattern? ( ) A: Leave it to me. B: Go and find it. C: What about you? D: Give me your hand.

    • 2

      Complete the following sentences with the given words you have learned in Unit 3.

    • 3

      Which sentence does not have the same rhythmic pattern as “Send him away.”? A: Terribly slow. B: Give him a book. C: Be nice to her. D: Throw it away.

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: Which sentence has the same rhythmic pattern as “Sue tried very hard”?