• 2022-06-08
    Comparing with RGB model, HSV model is more similar to the way how we
    perceive colors. ( )
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      A<br/>logical data flow diagram:() A: includes<br/>types of programs, such as online or batch. B: is<br/>a model of how the system will be implemented. C: does<br/>not include any primitive processes. D: is<br/>a model of how the business operates.

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      When optimizing a model, we should always consider a trade-off between model interpretation and model accuracy.

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      The<br/>neoclassical model is basically a model of the first stage, because<br/>at this stage ________. A: the family could rely either on the home economy or on the<br/>marketplace for the needed goods and services B: many production processes were being transferred to the marketplace C: consumers relied more and more on the market economy D: the family could decide how to transfer production processes to the<br/>marketplace

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      Three<br/>equivalent circuit models for a bipolar transistor are<br/>___________. A: Kirchoff Model B: E-M(Ebers-Moll) Model C: G-P(Gummel-Poon)<br/>Model D: H-P(Hybrid-Pi)<br/>Model

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      The model has an individual way of dressing.