• 2022-06-08
    When a manufacturer maximizes profits in a competitive market, the market price must be equal to the average cost.
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      中国大学MOOC: A profit-maximizing firm in a competitive market will decrease production when marginal cost exceeds average revenue

    • 1

      Assume a market is perfectly competitive. When a new producer enters the market, the A: price in the market increases. B: price in the market decreases. C: price in the market does not change. D: market is no longer a competitive market.

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      A perfectly competitive firm maximizes its profit by producing the output at which its marginal cost equals its ____ A: marginal revenue B: average total cost C: average variable cost. D: average fixed cost.

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      When an individual firm in a competitive market increases its production, it is likely that the market price will fall.

    • 4

      A competitive firm maximizes profit by choosing the quantity at which ( ) A: average total cost is at its minimum. B: marginal cost equals the price. C: average total cost equals the price. D: marginal cost equals average total cost.