• 2022-06-08
    Beowulf highly praises the heroic deeds of ancient brave men, and reflects the of ancient times.
  • features of the tribal society


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      上善若水(as good as water)was used to praise the sage in ancient times.

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      In ancient times, shoes were auspicious in marriage.

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      The brains of men and women ______. A: are distinctively different in structure B: evolve from ancient times C: have different functions D: change with the passage of time

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      Being located in west Asia and adjacent to Europe, Iran, the ancient Persian kingdom, has been influenced by ancient Babylonian (巴比伦) culture, Byzantine (拜占庭) art and Chinese painting since ancient times.

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      The "isomomorphism" of the gods and men in ancient Greek mythology reflects that the gods are _____. A: The Greek gods are secular. B: The Greek gods are supreme. C: The Greek gods are flawless. D: The Greek gods are humanized.