• 2022-06-08
    Long-distance buses give people the chance to travel across ______.
    A: huge and continuous sections of land
    B: large and beautiful land
    C: small but beautiful land
    D: huge districts of land
  • D


    • 0

      the transformation of America from the land of the _______ to the Land of the _______.

    • 1

      The large stretch of land on the edge of desert is a () land, where trees as many as possible should be planted. A: tasteless B: wet C: thirsty D: rich

    • 2

      The Enclosure of land turned a large number of slaves into peasants.( )

    • 3

      In the 19th century, a huge piece of land was bought called “the Louisiana Purchase”, which extended from Canada all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico. __________

    • 4

      Much of the land in Wales is pasture and only 22% of the land is arable. _________