• 2022-06-08
    Simple words refer to words that contain one or more free forms.
  • 错误


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      Grammatical forms refer to how ______ are made up and presented in speech or writing. A: words B: forms C: uses D: grammar

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      Three kinds of words, words beginning with a vowel, those ending with a consonant, words of one or two syllables, are more likely to be misunderstood or difficult to understand.

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      The following are some statements about formal words. Choose the one which is not correct. A: Most formal words are of Saxon origin. B: Formal words are also called “big” words. C: Formal words mainly appear in formal writing, such as scholarly works, legal documents etc. D: Most formal words usually contain three or more than three syllables.

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      Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in Collumn A of the above, change the form if necessary. Life would be happier if you are a ________ and simple person.

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      () refer to one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or very nearly the same essential meaning. A: Polysemants B: Synonyms C: Antonyms D: Hyponyms