• 2021-04-14
    It is no use ____(stay away from) him. He is making unbearable noises.
  • staying away from


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      When there are several topics ________, he will have a hard time making the decision. A: for him to choose B: for him to choose from C: he had to choose them D: that he choose

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      告知人员远离传送系统。 A: Tell personnel to stay away from the conveyor system. B: Leave a verbal statement to personnel to stay away from the conveyer system. C: Warn personnel to stay away from the conveyor system.

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      He has never been away from home, so being homesick is a new _____ to him. A: sense B: experience C: part D: suppose

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      He has never been away from home. So being homesick is a new _______ to him. A: sense B: credit C: comfort D: experience

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      Children who stay away from school do_______for different reasons.