• 2022-06-08
    Which organ is regarded as a pump in the blood circulation?
    A: Heart
    B: Artery
    C: Vein
    D: Capillary
  • A


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      12.The function of the cardiovascular<br/>system is to transport blood throughout the body, with the heart acting as the pump for ________. A: circulation B: transportation C: transplant D: operation

    • 1

      We couldn't feel the changes in the blood pressure within the ______ . A: arterial B: vein C: blood D: artery

    • 2

      Which organ is regarded as the “ruler” (君主之官)?( ) A: Heart B: Lung C: Kidney D: Spleen

    • 3

      The ________ of the heart is to pump blood through the body.

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      Which of the followings is the main cooperative function of the heart and lung? A: The production of nutrient qi B: The production of Zong qi C: Circulation of qi and blood D: Inter-dependece of qi and blood