• 2022-06-09
    The study of a language through the course of its history is called
    A: [A] Perspective study.
    B: [B] Descriptive study.
    C: [C] Synchronic study.
    D: [D] Diachronic study.
  • D


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      16.The abstract includes the purpose and the method of the study in addition to the finding made by another related study.

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      20. The replicated study done by Chen and Yang revealed similar findings as Chen’s 1993 study.

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      Hawthorne studies included four studies: illumination studies, relay room experiment, ( ), and bank wiring room study. A: Large-scale interview research B: Twin studies C: Time study D: Action study

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      中国大学MOOC: linguistics is the study of a language through the course of its history.

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      According to the micro-lectures in this chapter, adults, regardless of their age, in America can easily access a study program at school to pursue their further study. ( )