• 2022-06-09
    In the electric propulsion system, the power generation is often driven by____
    A: the gas turbine
    B: the diesel engine
    C: A or B
    D: neither A or B
  • C


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      For a gas turbine engine, Active Clearance Control (ACC) for turbine would :

    • 1

      Depending on the power sources, pumps used in hydraulic system are divided into engine driven pump, electrically driven pump and hand pump.

    • 2

      Before starting a diesel engine that has an engine driven lube oil pump, the engineer should ().

    • 3

      For a gas turbine engine, Active Clearance Control (ACC) for turbine would : A: Reduce mechanical loss B: Reduce heat loss C: Reduce clearance loss

    • 4

      As a heat engine,() energy is the source of power by which the diesel engine can be operated.