• 2022-06-09
    n. a person who expresses opinions about the good and bad qualities of books, music, etc.
    A: critic
    B: curiosity
    C: catalog
    D: complaint
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the following statements about qualities of good information is false? A: It should be relevant for its purposes B: It should be communicated to the right person C: It should be completely accurate D: It should be timely

    • 1

      n. thepeople who live in the same area, town, etc.

    • 2

      1.1 Which of the following statements about qualities of good information is false ? A: It should be completely accurate B: It should be relevant for its purposes C: It should be communicated to the right person D: It should be timely

    • 3

      According the research results, if a person had a bad experience at a hotel, on average the person will tell 12 people about it. On the other hand, if a person had a good experience at a hotel, one will tell even more people.

    • 4

      Just because someone is good or bad at one thing, it does not ________ that the person will also be good or bad at other things. A: engage B: involve C: guarantee D: concede