• 2022-06-09
    Which of the following order of serving dishes is incorrect for Chinese banquets? ( )
    A: Serving cold dishes first.
    B: Serving soup first.
    C: Serving hot dishes next.
    D: Serving dessert last.
  • B


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      The serving order of courses is from hot to cold.( )

    • 1

      There will be two people serving in the first class.

    • 2

      You’d better leave a bit of the food on the serving dishes in_______. A: America B: China C: Austria D: Finland

    • 3

      Serving Chinese dish, which one of the following order is correct? A: soupcold dishesmain dishesricefruit B: cold dishesmain dishesricesoupfruit C: cold dishessoupmain dishesricefruit D: cold dishesmain dishessoupricefruit

    • 4

      Which is an unsafe serving<br/>practice? A: Stacking<br/>plates of food before serving them to the customer B: Holding flatware by the<br/>handles when setting a table C: Serving soup with a<br/>long-handled ladle D: Holding glassware by the<br/>stem