• 2022-06-09
    If it wasn’t an accident, he ________ it on purpose.
  • must have done


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      He ________ the examination _________ he wasn't careful enough.

    • 1

      The patient insisted that he _______ ill and _______ to the hospital. A) wasn't, wasn't sent B) wasn't, shouldn't be sent C) shouldn't be, wasn't sent D) shouldn't be, shouldn't be sent

    • 2

      He wasn't __________ (incline) to believe what he said.

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      【单选题】We ordered that he ______ sorry to his mon, but he insisted that it ______ his fault. A. said; wasn’t B. say; wasn’t C. said; not be D. say; not be A. said; wasn’t B. say; wasn’t C. said; not be D. say; not be

    • 4

      He’s read this book before, ___________ ? A: hasn't he B: isn't he C: wasn't he D: doesn't he