• 2022-06-09
    Praise gladdens_______.
    A: the heart of the giver
    B: the heart of the receiver
    C: the heart of the investorthe heart of the investor
    D: the hearts of both the giver and the receiver
  • D


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      The Use the shape painting of the object to express ambition, Borrow Shuhuai; life to praise, praise of nature, "what is deep in one's with heart “thoughts or feelings deep in; one's heart”.

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      Which of the following is not true about second heart sounds: A: It occurs at the beginning of ventricular diastole B: Auscultation is strongest and clearest at the apex of the heart C: The tone of the heart is higher and clearer than that of the first heart D: The duration is shorter than the first heart note

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      The power of the female heart remains undiminished between the ages of 18 and 70 probably because _________. A: women almost lose no contractile muscle cells in the walls of their hearts B: women's oestrogen has a protective effect on their heart C: the size of their heart chambers is different from men's D: the thickness of the female heart's muscular wall is different from men's

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      The heart is no (intelligent) ______ than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain.

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      Which of the following X-ray characters is NOT right() A: Mitral stenosis X-ray:pear-like heart B: Mitral stenosis X-ray:apple-like heart C: Mitral insufficiency X-ray:ball-like heart D: Aortic stenosis X-ray:boot-like heart