• 2022-06-09
    Keep in mind _______.
    A: that the teacher said
    B: what did the teacher say
    C: that did the teacher say
    D: what the teacher said
  • D


    • 0

      Which of the following quotes has the correct punctuation and capitalization? A: The teacher asked, "what is the capital of Delaware?" B: "This is a great day for Geneva," said Mayor Johnson. C: Did the coach say, "We'll have to wait and see?" D: "The problem," Smith said, "Is that nobody seems to know what is happening.

    • 1

      Which of the following quotes has the correct punctuation and capitalization? A: “This is a great day for Geneva.” Said Mayor Johnson. B: John wondered why every teacher “always expects us to know all the state capitals?” C: The teacher asked, “What is the capital of Delaware?” D: Did the coach say, “We’ll have to wait and see?” E: “The problem,” Smith said, “Is that nobody seems to know what is happening.

    • 2

      What does Helen say about her teacher?

    • 3

      The teacher said, “What are you thinking about?”=The teacher asked me _______thinking about. A: what were you B: what you were C: what I was D: what was I

    • 4

      What did the teacher tell her to______ at the meeting?