• 2022-06-09
    The small intestine of bovine can be divided into ( ).
    A: Jejunum
    B: Colon
    C: Ileum
    D: Cecum
    E: Duodenum
  • A,C,E


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      The intestine that has mesentery is () A: descending colon B: sigmoid colon C: cecum D: rectum

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      The ( ) attaches to the first part of the large intestine. A: ileum B: duodenum C: jejunum D: villi

    • 2

      The pig colon is bounded by ( ), and the cecum extends directly forward to form the ascending colon. A: Cecum orifice B: Colon orifice C: Rectum orifice D: Ileum orifice

    • 3

      What does the distal S-shaped portion of the large intestine refer to? A: sigmoid colon B: rectum C: colon D: duodenum

    • 4
