• 2022-06-06 问题

    Sun tzu’s great military work, named The Skill of War.

    Sun tzu’s great military work, named The Skill of War.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Sun Tzu’s ideas can be to psychology, particularly psychology of personal development.

    Sun Tzu’s ideas can be to psychology, particularly psychology of personal development.

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    ____Lao Tzu, Lieh Tzu and Chuang Tzu are contemporary philosophers.

    ____Lao Tzu, Lieh Tzu and Chuang Tzu are contemporary philosophers.

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Who is Confucius’s teacher? A: Mencius B: Zhuangzi C: Xunzi D: Lao Tzu

    Who is Confucius’s teacher? A: Mencius B: Zhuangzi C: Xunzi D: Lao Tzu

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    ( )is the short official name of China’s currency. A: EUR B: JPY C: GBP D: CNY

    ( )is the short official name of China’s currency. A: EUR B: JPY C: GBP D: CNY

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Who is considered to be the greatest teacher of China? A: Lao Tzu B: Confucius C: Sun Tzu D: Zhuangzi

    Who is considered to be the greatest teacher of China? A: Lao Tzu B: Confucius C: Sun Tzu D: Zhuangzi

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    Chuang Tzu's representative work is Zhuangzi, of which the famous works are ( ) A: A Happy Excursion B: Encouraged to learn C: Fei Xiang D: Discource on Nature

    Chuang Tzu's representative work is Zhuangzi, of which the famous works are ( ) A: A Happy Excursion B: Encouraged to learn C: Fei Xiang D: Discource on Nature

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    In<br/>the following descriptions of Prince Ren in Chuang Tzu 's Angling ,<br/>which is incorrect? ( ) A: cautious. B: ambitious. C: generous and unrestrained. D: persevere

    In<br/>the following descriptions of Prince Ren in Chuang Tzu 's Angling ,<br/>which is incorrect? ( ) A: cautious. B: ambitious. C: generous and unrestrained. D: persevere

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    For Chuang Tzu ( 庄子 ), “ 日出而作 , 日入而息 ” was ________.

    For Chuang Tzu ( 庄子 ), “ 日出而作 , 日入而息 ” was ________.

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    信用证中的货物描述为:“10,000米布匹,总金额:EUR10,000.00”,信用证未规定增减幅度。实际发货数量为10,500米布匹,允许支款金额为_________ A: EUR10,000 B: EUR10,500 C: EUR11,000 D: EUR10,000-10,500

    信用证中的货物描述为:“10,000米布匹,总金额:EUR10,000.00”,信用证未规定增减幅度。实际发货数量为10,500米布匹,允许支款金额为_________ A: EUR10,000 B: EUR10,500 C: EUR11,000 D: EUR10,000-10,500

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