• 2022-05-29
    These newly unearthed cultural relics on the origin of Chinese characters ______ the intelligence of our remote ancestors.
    A: manifest
    B: magnify
    C: maintain
    D: manipulate
  • A


    • 0

      According to what you have learned in the course, which one is NOT one of the various sayings concerning the origin of Chinese characters?

    • 1

      There are two different forms of Chinese characters: the traditional Chinese character and the simplified Chinese characters

    • 2

      Which of the following are among the ways of composing Chinese characters .( ) A: self-explanatory characters B: phonetic loan characters C: pictographic characters D: pictophonetic characters

    • 3

      This is our newly ______ product.

    • 4

      ‌It is evident that the Opposition is trying to ________ our achievements.‎‌‎ A: diminish B: magnify C: amplify D: exaggerate