• 2022-05-29
    A chairperson is________( responsibility) for the smooth running of a meeting.
  • responsible


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      ​What are the suggestions for the Chairperson during the meeting? (Multiple Choice)‎‎​‎ A: Announce the opening of the meeting. B: Facilitate balanced participation among meeting members. C: Guide the process. D: time management E: Reach closure

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      The chairperson should be responsible for arranging a meeting.

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      What should the chairperson do during the meeting?‌‌‌‌ A: He or She needs enough authority and ability to keep it running smoothly. B: He or She should also remain neutral and avoid being dominant in conducting the meeting. C: He or She should focus on keeping the meeting productive rather than using the role to promote his/her own contribution or stand. D: all of the above-mentioned

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      It is his responsibility to ________________________ the meeting.

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      The secretary should consult the chairperson on the order of business for the meeting.(<br/>)