• 2021-04-14
    Stonehenge is a famous monument dated from the 16th century.
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      The period of Modern English extends from ______ to the present day. A: the 15th century B: the 16th century C: the 17th century D: the 18th century

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      English evolved into what is now described as Modern English from the late 16th century.

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      When did the bill exchange take the place of coins? A: In the 14th century B: From the 13th century onwards C: In the 16th century D: In the 17th century

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      This is an early church, ______ from the ninth century, which was rebuilt under the direction of San Carlo Borromeo. A: dated B: being dated C: dating D: dates

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      Panama was a Spanish colony ________. A: from the 16th century to the 18th century B: until 1903 C: for about 200 years D: for 300 years and more