• 2022-05-29
    A: prospect
    B: prosperity
  • A


    • 0


    • 1

      It is our wish that the next decade will bring peace, happiness, and _______, with us learn to respect our difference. A: prophecy B: prospect C: protection D: prosperity

    • 2

      Millions of farmers, drawn by the ______ of employment, came into the city which made the problems of transportation and housing even more serious. A: prosperity B: prospect C: expectation D: anticipation

    • 3

      单词prospect中,前缀pro-表示forward,prospect表示“前景,展望”,由此可推测词根“spect”的意思,下列错误的是( )

    • 4

      prosperity / prɔs’periti/ A: n.繁荣;昌盛,兴旺 B: n.授给物vt.授予 C: n.水库;蓄水池 D: a.磁的,有吸引力的