• 2022-05-29
    The emperor worship ancestral place called ( ) .
    A: Tai Miao (Ancestral Temple )
    B: Qingdongling
    C: Forbidden City
    D: Confucian Temple
  • A


    • 0

      The layout of Temple of Confucius followed that of ________. A: A Buddhism temple B: The Forbidden City C: The Kong Family Mansion D: A royal garden

    • 1

      The Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden City were completed almost at the same time.

    • 2

      The imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is also called ( <br/>). A: the Forbidden City B: the Imperial Palace C: Lama Temple D: Hall of Mental Cultivation

    • 3

      The common ground between guild hall building and ancestral temple building is ___. A: Religious B: Compatibility C: Patriarchy D: Local specificity

    • 4

      What can we infer from the passage() A: The temple has a long history. B: The temple is to the east of Baitasi. C: The bricks in the temple are not so valuable as those in the Forbidden city. D: The renovation was done according to the orders of Emperor Qianlon