• 2022-05-29
    The act of buying at a low price in one place and selling at a high price in another place is called relative pricing.
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      If competitors get together to raise or lower prices, this act is ______. A: price discrimination B: deceptive pricing C: resale price maintenance D: price fixing

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      what is Market-Skimming pricing? A: Set a low initial price in order to penetrate the market quickly and deeply. B: • Set a high price for a new product to skim revenues layer by layer from the market. C: determine the price according to the perceived value of the buyer to the product.

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      In high-low pricing, retailers charge low prices on an everyday basis with occasional price increases.

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      As for your goods No.100, we are not able to place orders because another supplier is offering us the similar quality at a price 3% lower.

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      The 5Ps of marketing are people, product, price, place and promotion.