• 2022-05-29
    The effective volume of aggregate is ()
    A: Volume of solid aggregate
    B: volume of solid aggregate and surface voids
    C: volume of solid aggregate and surface voids not filled with asphalt
    D: volume of solid aggregate, surface voids and closed voids
  • C


    • 0

      What is the name of the solid surface in the figure below?[img=360x664]1803bb9e6fc6d99.jpg[/img] A: circular cone surface B: Cone-shaped surface C: Cylindrical surface D: Columnar surface

    • 1

      Rising oil prices in the U.S. during the 1970s caused the economy’s ( ) A: aggregate supply curve to shift to the right. B: aggregate supply curve to shift to the left. C: aggregate demand curve to become vertical. D: aggregate demand curve to become horizontal.

    • 2

      An increase in labor hours will lead to A: a shift of the aggregate production function but no movement along it. B: a movement along the aggregate production function but no shift in it. C: both a movement along and a shift in the aggregate production function. D: neither a movement along nor a shift in the aggregate production function.

    • 3

      曲面/体积(Surface/Volume)是哪两种类型的混合? A: 对象, B: 表面, C: 体积, D: 顶点,

    • 4

      The pulmonary volume that buffered the change of alveolar partial pressure was A: Inspiratory reserve volume B: expiratory reserve volume C: deep inspiratory volume D: residual volume E: functional residual volume