• 2022-05-30
    What the company cannot supply its clients with is ________.
  • technical service


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      As soon as a company announces its sales figures, we can ______ the clients of this. A: inform B: provide C: offer D: know

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      Liabilities are what a company owes its owners in future products or services.Equity refers to the claims of its owners.

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      3 What mistakes do businesses make? Complete the sentences using words below. rivals optimistic research assets estimates employs suppliers ► The company doesn’t have effective controls over its customers or its suppliers. 1 The company doesn’t carry out adequate market ____. 2 The company is poor at managing its stock and its ____. 3 The company doesn’t have a very good knowledge of its ____. 4 The company ____ the wrong people. 5 The company is over- _____, and it over-____ what it can achieve.

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      49 What does the company promise to achieve?Its products meet all ____.

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      What does a medical supply company sell? A: medical equipment B: clothes C: electrical appliance D: tools