• 2022-05-30
    What was the resolution about
    A: Condemning Israel for its treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories.
    B: Criticizing Israel for its racial discrimination against Palestinians.
    C: Condemning Israel for its random shooting at the demonstrators.
    D: Criticizing Israel for not allowing Palestinians to work in the occupied territories.
  • A


    • 0

      The reason why Syria's Baath sow the dissension in Israel is that______. A: Israel interferes Syria's normal relation with Lebanon B: S. requires Syria to take a series of actions C: N. is indifferent to the issues in that area D: Syria doesn't want to lose its control of Lebanon

    • 1

      How many provinces and territories does Canada have A: Two provinces and ten territories. B: Six territories and six provinces. C: Ten provinces and two territories. D: Eight provinces and two territories.

    • 2

      Mr. Ban criticised Israel's plans for new settlements in the West Bank as ______________ acts that cast out on its commitment to a two-state solution. Nick Bryant has more.

    • 3

      In Israel, a Jewish boy is formally name...al of circumcision.

    • 4

      In Israel, the dietary laws require the ...en and on the table.