• 2022-05-30
    Which of the following sentences has a misplaced modifier?
  • A dog appeared in my dreams that sang like an angel.


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      Which of the following sentences has a misplaced modifier? A: The dog bit only the mail carrier. [Intended meaning: The dog bit the mail carrier but didn't bite anyone else.] B: He talked too quickly. C: You should consider your options carefully. D: none of the above

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      Which of the following sentences has a misplaced modifier? A: He kicked the ball only several meters away. [Intended meaning: He didn’t kick the ball too far, only a few meters away.] B: She talked too quietly.  C: You had better express your options carefully in public.  D: None of the above

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      Which of the following sentences has a misplaced modifier? A: He only talks about changing his habits. [Intended meaning: He only talks but does nothing else, like consulting a physician or psychiatrist, about changing his habits.] B: A dog appeared in my dreams that sang like an angel. C: The steak on the grill is hers. D: none of the above

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      Which of the following sentences has a misplaced modifier? A: He only talks about changing his working plan. [Intended meaning: He only talks but does nothing else, like going shopping or visiting a friend, about changing his working.] B: A girl appeared in my dreams that sang like an angel.  C: The book on the shelf is hers.  D: All of the above

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      80. Of the following sentences, which has the most emphatic theme?