• 2022-05-31
    Please choose the best 3 posters in your opinion.
    A: team 1
    B: team 2
    C: team 3
    D: team 4
    E: team 5
    F: team 6
  • A


    • 0

      An exploration team of 2 women and 3 men is to be chosen from a candidate pool of 6 women and 7 men. How many different ways can this team of 5 be formed

    • 1

      What did the team of Cancer Prevention Research Center do?() A: The team issued a report written by Healy. B: The team found their report online. C: The team issued their study online. D: The team made an online journal.

    • 2

      A VIRTUAL TEAM ATT. A STEARNSWhy is this group A teAm?

    • 3

      Our team beat the other team by 12

    • 4

      To build an excellent entrepreneurial team, we must have two cornerstones of (). A: excellent mental structure and governance structure of a team B: abilities of and trust in team members C: familiarity of and trust in team members D: resources and abilities of team members