• 2022-05-31
    luxury brand
  • 高档品牌


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      中国大学MOOC: Ford Motor Company sells automobiles and commercial vehicles under the Ford brand and luxury cars under the Lincoln brand.

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      What is the brand of Versace famous for? 范思哲品牌以什么特征而闻名? A: luxury materials and elegant Paris disposition B: flashy prints and bright colors C: The higher price D: the dark colors

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      Consulting Business Intelligence (SBI) divides luxury consumers into three groups according to their attitude towards luxury products. Which one of the following does NOT explain the internal reason for luxury consumption? ( ) A: Luxury is functional B: Luxury is indulgence C: Luxury is a reward D: Luxury is too expensive

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      _________ is not a junior equity of a brand. ( ). A: Brand reputation B: Brand recognition C: Brand loyalty D: Brand awareness

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      Luxury suite