• 2022-05-31
    Their honeymoon was two days in Las Vegas at a (luxury) _______Hotel called Le Mirage.
  • luxurious


    • 0

      Derse Exhibits is a company that ______. A: has its head office in Las Vegas B: enjoys a good fame in the country C: has designed a trade show in Las Vegas D: has found a production manager

    • 1

      The in Lotus Casino of Las Vegas dull the senses and keep them prisoners there.

    • 2

      After living in the city of Las Vegas for years, Alison Zeuschel and her family decided to move to????

    • 3

      人工智能诞生于( ) A: London B: Dartmouth C: New York D: Las Vegas

    • 4

      The rank of hotels can be divided into ( ). A: luxury 5-star hotel B: boutique 5-star hotel C: deluxe 5-star hotel D: 5-star hotel