• 2022-05-31
    In a more mature company, _____ thought as a manager is a must.
    A: linear
    B: lateral
    C: linearly
    D: laterally
  • A


    • 0

      I must admit that the situation is _______ difficult than I thought it would be.(2.0) A: much B: far C: more D: as

    • 1

      ______ that the company is planning a new advertising campaign. A: It is thought B: What is thought C: That is thought D: This is thought

    • 2

      I must admit that the situation is ____ than I thought it would be. A: most difficult B: more difficult C: difficult D: difficulter

    • 3

      A manager must be a leader.

    • 4

      What will the General Manager probably do A: a. He will ask more people to analyze the root cause of the company’s bad performance. B: b. He will try to find out who should be responsible for the company’s bad performance. C: c. He will recruit more people in order to increase the company’s performance. D: d. He will sack those people that are responsible for the Company’s bad performance.