• 2022-05-31
    Protein kinase A itself is different in different cell types, which explains why the effects of cyclic AMP vary depending on the target cell. ( )
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      The pluripotent stem cell of the bone marrow produces all blood cells through different lineages via induction of different differentiation pathways. Which one of the following is produced from the same cell line as RBCs A: NK-cells B: B-lymphocytes C: T-lymphocytes D: Basophils E: Platelets

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      Which of the followings is Ser/Thr kinase? A: Protein kinase A B: MAPK C: Protein kinase C D: Protein kinase G E: MEK

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      Which is one of the different types of the booth?

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      Cell organelles are located within the ____ of the cell. A: nucleus B: cytoplasm C: Cell membrane D: lysosomes

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      How a cell reacts to a signal depends on the set of intracellular signaling molecules each cell-surface receptor produces and how these molecules alter the activity of effector proteins, which have a direct effect on the behavior of the target cell.