• 2022-05-31
    Which of the following functions is provided by the LPAR Validation Tool (LVT)?()
    A: LPAR creation
    B: Proper card placement
    C: Application compatibility assistance
    D: Response time for applications
  • B


    • 0

      IBM的分区技术包括了()。 A: lpar B: dlpar C: 微分区 D: 以上都是

    • 1

      Which is not proper in your business card ?

    • 2

      What is a proper response of the following to “Thank you” ?

    • 3

      Which of following functions is not one of the functions of air conditioner?()

    • 4

      下列哪些属于基于Intel架构的服务器虚拟化技术() A: Hyper-V B: LPAR C: Xen D: Vmware