• 2022-05-31
    They are considering ______ before the prices go up.
    A: of buying the house
    B: with buying the house
    C: uying the house
    D: to buy the house
  • A


    • 0

      The British parliament was made up of ______. A: the House of Lords and the House of Commons B: the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons C: the Cabinet and the Senate D: the Queen and the House of Lords

    • 1

      When ________(consider) buying a house, people usually consider location as an important factor .

    • 2

      They came to inspect the house ______ buying it. A: in the event of B: with a view of C: with reference to D: on account of

    • 3

      They came to inspect the house ______ buying it. A: in the event of B: with a view to C: with reference to D: on account of

    • 4

      (10-27秒)What is the real situation about renting or buying a house in the United States?