• 2022-05-29
    How many minutes ofConcrete mixed in stationary mixers and transported by non-agitating equipment shall be pay?
    A: 30 minutes
    B: 20 minutes
    C: 40 minutes
    D: 15 minutes
  • A


    • 0

      When did the man order A: 30 minutes ago. B: 20 minutes ago. C: 10 minutes ago.

    • 1

      W:I thought you were going to be on the 5:30 train.M:I took the 5:30, but it was so late that it came in alongside the 6:00 train. How late was the train(). A: 20 minutes B: 30 minutes C: 40 minutes

    • 2

      Listen to the following dialogue, and then choose the best answer for each question. A: About 5 minutes B: About 10 minutes C: About 15 minutes D: About 20 minutes

    • 3

      Certainly I'll come, but I am afraid I shall be ______. A: a few minutes later B: late a few minutes C: a few minutes late D: later a few minutes

    • 4

      【单选题】Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as__________. A. to run for fifteen minutes B. running for fifteen minutes C. you run for fifteen minutes D. fifteen minutes walking