• 2022-05-29
    We should treat the disabled people with ______ .
    A: hostility
    B: honesty
    C: generosity
    D: humanity
  • D


    • 0

      We should treat the senior ______. A: kind B: kindly C: kindness

    • 1

      Able-bodied people just don"t realize how difficult it is ______ a job. A: of disabled people getting B: of disabled people to get C: for disabled people getting D: for disabled people to get

    • 2

      (tour) ______ should be encouraged to treat the local people, culture and environment with respect.

    • 3

      Able-bodied people just don’t realize how difficult it is () good jobs. A: of disabled people to get B: of disabled people getting C: for disabled people to get D: for disabled people getting

    • 4

      How should we treat our own families according to the author?